ALGEMENE ADVIESWAARSCHUWING EN INKOMSTENDISCLAIMER: All investment carries risk. Please note we are an education platform and, therefore, do not give any personal or financial advice. That means we will not take into account your personal objectives, financial situations or needs, even if they are known. Accordingly, the advice may not be appropriate for you. We may provide general advice regarding investment size, the level of margin needed and risk management techniques appropriate for our investing strategies.
Please understand results presented are not typical. Past results, income and percentage claims are not indicative of future returns for you. Although our clients see above-average results, the average person who follows any training on investing gets little to no results.
Financial instruments can go down as well as up resulting in you receiving less than you originally invested. Do not assume any recommendations, insights, charts, theories or philosophies will ensure profitable investing for you. Pictures used are for example purposes only.
Please ensure you obtain professional or financial advice to ensure that investing in any financial products is suitable for your circumstances, and ensure you obtain, read and understand any applicable offer document.
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GENERAL ADVICE WARNING AND EARNINGS DISCLAIMER: All investment carries risk. Please note we are an education platform and, therefore, do not give any personal or financial recommendations.
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