- Reading time: 3 mins 51 secs
“Non mettere tutte le uova nello stesso paniere!”
Quante volte hai sentito questo detto?
Probably hundreds. But do you know where it comes from?
It’s from Don Quixote, a two-part novel written by Cervantes in 1605 and 1615.
La citazione completa recita:
“È compito dell’uomo saggio badare a se stesso oggi per domani, e non rischiare tutte le uova nello stesso paniere.”
Splendido, no?
As you can see, it is a saying that has stood the test of time!
But what does this have to do with investing and trading, you may wonder?
In realtà è uno dei nostri Regole d'oro di investimenti e trading here at Investment Mastery.
One of our rules? Are you kidding?
Not in the slightest.
Let’s “break” it down.
Think of “eggs” as your sum of money to invest and the “basket” as the stock or crypto you are planning to invest in.
What would happen if you put all of your “eggs” (money) into just the one “basket” (stock/crypto)… and suddenly that basket falls to the ground and all the eggs are smashed to smithereens?
They’d be no good to you anymore, wouldn’t they?
In other words, that sum of money would be lost forever.
What you have really done by putting all your eggs in one basket is actually RISK LOSING ALL OF YOUR MONEY.
Now at this point, having lost all your eggs, you would probably laugh or cry… with despair. (Which is kind of appropriate when thinking of Don Quixote as that book is a literary classic romantic tragi-comedy!)
However, crying or laughing, is not something you want to be doing. In fact that is another of our Golden Rules – keep your emotion out of it at all times. (But that’s another story).
Allora come evitare di rischiare tutti i tuoi soldi?
By non investing all your money into the UNO asset.
It is a big, fat NO!
Non vorrai perdere tutta la somma del tuo investimento in una volta sola, vero? Allora perché investire tutto il denaro in un unico asset?
It doesn’t make sense, when you really think about it, does it?
Of course not.
Now if you’re thinking we’re being a bit heavy-handed here going on about it, we make no apologies. It’s a LESSON you just have to learn if you want to become a successful investor and trader.
One of the most important lessons.
A fundamental lesson.
Hence we drum it home!
Va bene?
Now you know what “don’t put all your eggs in one basket” means and why it is important not to.
Il passo successivo è capire che il principio fondamentale di cui stiamo parlando qui è riassunto in una parola: DIVERSIFICAZIONE.

Spread your pot of investment money over a number of assets.
Cos'è una risorsa? Potrebbe essere un titolo… criptovaluta… oro, argento, petrolio… perfino valute estere.
When looking at stocks, when you really look hard… you will see there are HUNDREDS of industries and companies you could invest in, or buy a share of.
The same with cryptos. Once there was just the one – Bitcoin. Now there are literally THOUSANDS.
And that is why investing and trading is actually a lot of fun! Researching companies, different cryptos, commodities, watching the markets, checking their future growth and potential, it’s exciting.
And by investing a little with one here, a little over there, some with this one, some with that, you are diversifying.
Diversity – it’s talked about all the time when discussing employment, society and social interaction.
Well, it’s the same with investing and trading. You want to embrace diversity, be open to all possibilities and opportunities.
C’è una grande bellezza nell’essere aperti e liberi, nell’esplorare e persino andare coraggiosamente dove nessuno è mai arrivato prima!
You are not putting all your eggs in one basket, you are not risking all of your money.
Quindi, quando un asset crolla, non è la fine del mondo. In realtà non hai perso perché hai soldi in altri investimenti.
It means you can accept that minor inconvenience – because that is what it is really. A drop in any of your asset prices is a mere inconvenience.
Uhm. Non importa. Lascialo andare e basta. Lascialo da solo. Salirà di nuovo.
Lo farà davvero. Lo fa sempre. Devi solo crederci e questo ti farà crescere come investitore e trader.
Because when you embrace and accept these things, and live with them, your confidence grows.
We don’t really like to call them rules – but that is what they are – although when you learn them and stick with them long enough they become second nature.
We prefer to think of investing and trading like that – second nature.
È un'arte, in molti sensi. Con un po' di scienza, la scienza della probabilità. Anche la matematica, ovviamente.
È come tornare a scuola!
Ed è per questo che sei qui, non è vero?
So there you go – if you have ever wondered where “Don’t put all your eggs in one basket” means and where it comes from, now you know.
Fa tutto parte della nostra missione qui a Investment Mastery condividere le nostre conoscenze, apprendere e promuovere la tua formazione in materia di investimenti e trading.
We hope you enjoy it, as much as we enjoy doing it.