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Domande da porsi prima di investire in borsa 

Domande da porsi prima di investire in borsa

As everyone knows – the stock market is where people invest their money and become millionaires! 

In questo momento, tutti noi avremmo bisogno di un po' di quella fortuna. 

Of course, it’s not as easy as that. 

But as the cost of living puts more pressure on your finances, you may be thinking seriously about investing in stocks as a way to make extra money.  

Here are some vital questions to ask yourself before leaping into stock investments. 

How does stock market investing work, and what are the key things to understand?

La prima cosa da capire è che investire in azioni comporta sempre un elemento di rischio. 

That’s because you make money only when the market moves up and your stock price, therefore, goes up, and you can sell that stock to make a profit. 

Now, most people think that when the opposite happens and the market moves down, and your stock price goes down that it’s time to sell because you will lose your money. 

That is what most people do. But that is not the right way to think about it. 

The very important and fundamental thing to understand about investing in the stock market is that the market always goes up, always goes down, and always goes back up! 

That is the way it works. 

E perdi denaro solo se vendi quando il prezzo è sceso. Se non vendi non perdi nulla. 

Comprendere questa psicologia fondamentale ti aiuterà enormemente. 

In altre parole, non puoi investire e fare trading avendo paura, avendo paura. 

It may seem scary at first, but that is why it’s wise to seek education and possibly even attend an corso sugli investimenti

There are also some keywords to get familiar with, such as – asset class, market cap, liquidity, diversification, fear and greed, stock market indices, bid-ask, risk-reward, stop-order, and spread-betting, among others. 

But don’t be put off. These are all very simple to understand with practice – it’s just wise to at least get a basic idea of what they mean because you will hear these terms a lot when investing and trading.


Perché voglio investire in borsa?

As mentioned earlier, most people invest in the stock market to make money. 

Fair enough. But it will help you a lot to delve a little deeper and ask yourself exactly why you want more money and what you want to do with it. 

Aiuta avere un obiettivo. Perché focalizza la tua mente sul raggiungimento di quell’obiettivo. 

As you will discover, the more you learn, having a strong mindset as quickly as possible will allow you to approach investing and trading with confidence. 

Naturalmente, la tua motivazione potrebbe non essere solo quella di generare più entrate per il flusso di cassa. Forse vuoi guadagnare di più per la tua pensione o come deposito per una casa. 

At the time of writing, and with banks and building societies withdrawing mortgages, investing to make money for a deposit might be your only way to get that deposit money together. 

Quindi che tipo di rendimento puoi aspettarti di ottenere investendo e facendo trading? 

In media, si tratta di 10% all’anno. Potrebbe non sembrare molto e certamente non lo sarebbe se investessi in UN solo titolo. 

So the trick is to invest in many and across different companies and industries and things like gold and silver and oil. 

Questi sono i cosiddetti “beni”. 

The thing with setting a clear goal is it will help manage your risks, and overall support you in becoming a profitable investor.

Cosa sono disposto a rischiare? 

È importante prendere sul serio il rischio. Una regola d’oro è: rischia solo ciò che ti puoi permettere. 

L’ultima cosa che vuoi che accada è trovarti in difficoltà finanziarie perché hai rischiato troppo. 

Ecco perché è fondamentale stanziare un importo fisso per il tuo investimento. 

Ancora una volta, si tratta di essere disciplinati e attenersi a un buon piano di investimenti.  

Il rischio di investimento varia. 

With a savings account, the risk is virtually zero because interest rates are so low – sometimes as little as 0.2%. You simply are not going to lose very much… but neither will you make very much. 

And when inflation outstrips savings rates, a savings account is pretty useless… and probably why you are looking to invest and trade. 

On the other hand, there are high-risk investments available that can make you more money and more quickly – but you must understand what those sorts of plans or schemes are because they can be complex and tricky to comprehend properly.


Posso sapere dove vengono investiti i miei soldi?

Si, puoi. Ma sai qualcosa di quella particolare azienda o nicchia?  

È molto facile nel mercato azionario di oggi acquistare azioni di molti nomi familiari e persino delle stesse grandi banche. 

For instance, for most of 2022, you could buy shares on Facebook, Amazon, PayPal, Johnson & Johnson, Caterpillar, Medifast, and even Goldman Sachs, among many others. 

You could buy their stocks because their prices came crashing down making them very affordable for the ordinary person. 

Gli investitori saggi non hanno esitato. Perché? Perché è molto improbabile che questo tipo di società falliscano. Pertanto, è altamente improbabile che tu perda il tuo investimento. 

And because these companies are highly likely to recover (remember the market goes up, down, up) then the value of the stock you own with any of them is going to go up. 

That’s when you sell and make your profit as any investing course will tell you. 

Do that over many household names, and, well, your chances of meeting your overall investment target are looking good. 


Investing in the stock market is a great vehicle for achieving financial targets and needs.  

But you must ask yourself these basic questions before making a start, as they will help you start right.

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