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Prenez votre richesse en
Vos propres mains

Devenez financiĆØrement indĆ©pendant grĆ¢ce Ć  une formation et un soutien guidĆ©s en matiĆØre d'investissement.

Devenez financiĆØrement indĆ©pendant grĆ¢ce Ć  une formation et un soutien guidĆ©s en matiĆØre d'investissement.

Take Your Wealth Into Your Own Hands



Prendre le contrƓle

Quand cela vient Ć  faire fructifier votre patrimoine, une chose est certaine... l'incertitude.

Il n'y a pas de meilleur moment que maintenant pour commencer Ć  prendre le contrĆ“le, investir dans votre Ć©ducation financiĆØre et apprendre Ć  faire travailler votre argent plus fort pour vous.

Assistance personnelle

Lorsqu'il s'agit de faire fructifier votre patrimoine, la responsabilitƩ est la clƩ donc nous exploitons votre motivation et vraiment explorez votre "pourquoi".

En plus de vous donner les compƩtences pratiques pour visualiser, comprendre et travailler sur les marchƩs boursiers et cryptographiques, nous vous fournirons un coaching et un mentorat en investissement pour vous assurer que vous tirez le meilleur parti de ce que nous avons Ơ offrir.

Simple et efficace

Notre formation en ligne sur l'investissement est simple, facile et efficace.

Nous comprenons que l'argent peut ĆŖtre un champ de mines, nous essayons donc de garder les choses aussi simples que possible, en vous enseignant des Ć©tapes claires et complĆØtes pour atteindre la libertĆ© financiĆØre.


GuidƩ par une Ʃquipe de des entraƮneurs qui se soucient vraiment et s'engagent Ơ vous aider Ơ rƩussir.

Lorsque vous rejoignez Investment Mastery, vous rejoignez une communautĆ© de personnes partageant les mĆŖmes idĆ©es qui cherchent Ć  accroĆ®tre leur patrimoine et Ć  se soutenir mutuellement dans le processus.

Que pouvons-nous faire pour vous?

Avec un accĆØs Ć  une Ć©ducation financiĆØre de premier ordre sur les marchĆ©s boursiers et cryptographiques, vous pouvez vivre votre vie selon vos conditions.

Become Empowered

Prendre le contrƓle

Personne ne se souciera plus de votre argent que vous, nous sommes donc lĆ  pour vous apprendre Ć  investir pour vous-mĆŖme : des rendements mensuels de 3% ou plus sont possibles.

Apprendre Ć  la maison

Notre programme de formation en ligne vous permet d'apprendre Ơ votre rythme. Mettez en pause, rembobinez et rejouez les leƧons vidƩo jusqu'Ơ ce que vous maƮtrisiez parfaitement les concepts clƩs.

Global Community


Access personal support from experienced investors and connect with a community of like-minded individuals on the same journey as you.

DƩmarrez votre voyage vers de meilleures finances aujourd'hui avec une Ʃducation et un coaching de pointe, moralement motivƩs et complets sur les stocks et la cryptographie.

Notre formation en investissement en ligne est conƧue pour les personnes de tous niveaux d'expĆ©rience. Que vous dĆ©butiez ou que vous cherchiez Ć  dĆ©velopper encore plus vos compĆ©tences, nous sommes lĆ  pour vous. Nous vous montrerons les stratĆ©gies Ć©prouvĆ©es qui ont aidĆ© des milliers de nos Ć©tudiants Ć  crĆ©er de la richesse et Ć  atteindre la sĆ©curitĆ© financiĆØre.

Vous n'ĆŖtes toujours pas sĆ»r de vous ?
RƩpondez Ơ notre quiz personnalisƩ.

RĆ©pondez Ć  notre quiz et dĆ©couvrez les Ć©tapes que vous pouvez suivre pour atteindre la libertĆ© financiĆØre.


Parlez Ć  un expert

Vous souhaitez un accompagnement financier personnalisƩ ? Notre Ʃquipe amicale est toujours
Ć  portĆ©e de main pour vous aider, peu importe votre situation financiĆØre.
Vous souhaitez un accompagnement financier personnalisĆ© ? Notre Ć©quipe amicale est toujours disponible pour vous aider, peu importe votre situation financiĆØre.

Parlez Ć  un expert

Vous souhaitez un accompagnement financier personnalisĆ© ? Notre Ć©quipe amicale est toujours disponible pour vous aider, peu importe votre situation financiĆØre.


Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about our training and how we deliver it.

Everything has its risks. Making investments is no different. Thatā€™s why itā€™s important to have a solid Risk Management strategy. This is one of our ā€œGolden Rulesā€ and something we always emphasise during our training and education. EVERY investor needs a Risk Management strategy. Even the legends like Warren Buffett have one! Thatā€™s why we created our trustworthy 1:3 risk-reward ratio strategy, which is the lynchpin to our education and our own success as investors.
Ā£2,000 is a good starting sum to begin investing with (or whatever your countryā€™s currency is). However, you can start with as little as Ā£500; it will just take you longer to see any large returns on your money. The most important thing is to make a start!
Our focus is solely on providing investment education and training, with full support during the journey. How long it takes to learn investment mastery depends on the type of student you are. Some are quick learners, others need a little more time. Itā€™s fine either way. The important thing is everyone needs to have both knowledge, skills et the right mindset before they start investing. Yes, there are many things to learn, but they are not difficult and can be easily mastered. We give you all these things so you can then begin investing with CONFIDENCE. And, ultimately, become long-term successful investors.
Itā€™s a good question! We have 3 main strategies. Each has been designed to achieve profits in different ways and different investment assets. Which one is more suitable for you, or work better for you, all depends on your own personal experience with them. Ideally, you would adopt all the ones we provide you with at different times. We do have one strategy though that has become a favourite with our students and IM Insider community members. Itā€™s our famous Buffalo Strategy that takes just 20 minutes a day to implement. It was created by our founder, Marcus de Maria. It helped make him a multi-millionaire!
Investors who focus on trading are hoping to make profits faster. People who invest with the future in mind are ready to wait for time to build their wealth and make more considered investments. Trading is largely hit and miss. Investing is about patience and making more informed decisions. With trading, you are looking to trade an asset in a handful of days to only a few weeks. With investing, you are in the market/position with an investment asset for months to years. Warren Buffet, for example, is an investor who stays in positions for many years. Trading is a lot quicker, but riskier and more stressful. Investing, on the other hand, is a long game. Those who make money trading have to put in many hours a day compared to those who spend a few minutes a day and wait for time to grow their investments. Our target is to be making returns of up to 3% per month. However, there will be times when you will make more!
With investing, it all comes down to one final thing before you make any investment ā€“ RESEARCH. And thorough research at that. You need to be absolutely sure the company you are investing in is reputable with a good track record. You should apply that same approach when assessing our credentials, background and expertise. The thing to remember, is that Investment Mastery offers financial EDUCATION pas investment advice. Nor do we make investments for you. We are not brokers. That means you have 100% control of your money and how you invest that in your education and training with us. Oh, and by the way, our 1000 5-Star reviews on Trustpilot should speak for themselves!
To be honest, learning the art of making successful investments is 80% mindset, 20% technique. That means you need to be open to learning very simple but effective investment concepts, as well as having the discipline and confidence to carry them through. Other than that, you only need our 3 proven strategies, a laptop, and Wi-Fi, and you are good to go!
You do not need to quit your job to make investing a success as investing is the perfect wealth-creation pillar you can build upon while having a full-time job. That is not to say you wonā€™t be able to quit your job, because the more you learn, the better at investing you will become. The better investor you become, the greater chance to give up your job and live a life financially independent. It can become very REAL and achievable. We have many students who have done just that! You could easily become one of them.


Here are some of the most frequently asked questions about our training and how we deliver it.

Everything has its risks. Making investments is no different. Thatā€™s why itā€™s important to have a solid Risk Management strategy. This is one of our ā€œGolden Rulesā€ and something we always emphasise during our training and education. EVERY investor needs a Risk Management strategy. Even the legends like Warren Buffett have one! Thatā€™s why we created our trustworthy 1:3 risk-reward ratio strategy, which is the lynchpin to our education and our own success as investors.
Ā£2,000 is a good starting sum to begin investing with (or whatever your countryā€™s currency is). However, you can start with as little as Ā£500; it will just take you longer to see any large returns on your money. The most important thing is to make a start!
Our focus is solely on providing investment education and training, with full support during the journey. How long it takes to learn investment mastery depends on the type of student you are. Some are quick learners, others need a little more time. Itā€™s fine either way. The important thing is everyone needs to have both knowledge, skills et the right mindset before they start investing. Yes, there are many things to learn, but they are not difficult and can be easily mastered. We give you all these things so you can then begin investing with CONFIDENCE. And, ultimately, become long-term successful investors.
Itā€™s a good question! We have 3 main strategies. Each has been designed to achieve profits in different ways and different investment assets. Which one is more suitable for you, or work better for you, all depends on your own personal experience with them. Ideally, you would adopt all the ones we provide you with at different times. We do have one strategy though that has become a favourite with our students and IM Insider community members. Itā€™s our famous Buffalo Strategy that takes just 20 minutes a day to implement. It was created by our founder, Marcus de Maria. It helped make him a multi-millionaire!
Investors who focus on trading are hoping to make profits faster. People who invest with the future in mind are ready to wait for time to build their wealth and make more considered investments. Trading is largely hit and miss. Investing is about patience and making more informed decisions. With trading, you are looking to trade an asset in a handful of days to only a few weeks. With investing, you are in the market/position with an investment asset for months to years. Warren Buffet, for example, is an investor who stays in positions for many years. Trading is a lot quicker, but riskier and more stressful. Investing, on the other hand, is a long game. Those who make money trading have to put in many hours a day compared to those who spend a few minutes a day and wait for time to grow their investments. Our target is to be making returns of up to 3% per month. However, there will be times when you will make more!
With investing, it all comes down to one final thing before you make any investment ā€“ RESEARCH. And thorough research at that. You need to be absolutely sure the company you are investing in is reputable with a good track record. You should apply that same approach when assessing our credentials, background and expertise. The thing to remember, is that Investment Mastery offers financial EDUCATION pas investment advice. Nor do we make investments for you. We are not brokers. That means you have 100% control of your money and how you invest that in your education and training with us. Oh, and by the way, our 1000 5-Star reviews on Trustpilot should speak for themselves!
To be honest, learning the art of making successful investments is 80% mindset, 20% technique. That means you need to be open to learning very simple but effective investment concepts, as well as having the discipline and confidence to carry them through. Other than that, you only need our 3 proven strategies, a laptop, and Wi-Fi, and you are good to go!
You do not need to quit your job to make investing a success as investing is the perfect wealth-creation pillar you can build upon while having a full-time job. That is not to say you wonā€™t be able to quit your job, because the more you learn, the better at investing you will become. The better investor you become, the greater chance to give up your job and live a life financially independent. It can become very REAL and achievable. We have many students who have done just that! You could easily become one of them.

Choisissez votre crƩneau horaire pour votre 100% 'Investment Strategy Session' gratuite

*Veuillez noter : en raison de la forte demande, nous ne maintenons les crĆ©neaux horaires que pendant une courte pĆ©riode avant qu'ils ne soient rendus publics


Choisissez votre crƩneau horaire pour votre 100% 'Investment Strategy Session' gratuite

*Veuillez noter : en raison de la forte demande, nous ne maintenons les crĆ©neaux horaires que pendant une courte pĆ©riode avant qu'ils ne soient rendus publics
