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Calculadora de capitalización

Pronostique y comprenda su riqueza pronosticada con nuestra calculadora de capitalización de uso gratuito.

Cómo usar nuestra calculadora en línea de interés compuesto

Ingrese una cantidad inicial con la que se sienta cómodo invirtiendo. Recomendamos un mínimo de £ 2,000.
Paso 2
Ingrese un aumento porcentual mensual realista que le gustaría lograr. Recomendamos mantenerse conservador para comenzar. Sin embargo, al utilizar nuestras estrategias comprobadas, le recomendamos que pueda ver rendimientos mensuales de 3-6% por mes.
Paso 3
Ingrese una cantidad con la que se sienta cómodo invirtiendo cada mes. Recomendamos comenzar con £ 100 al mes.
Etapa 4
Ingrese cualquier monto adicional que desee invertir en su cuenta durante los próximos 15 años. Esta es la suma colectiva de dinero que quizás desee agregar (y puede dejarlo en blanco si no está seguro).
Paso 5
Calcula el interés compuesto que recibirías durante el período de 15 años.

Pero, ¿qué es realmente el interés compuesto?

También conocido como 'interés sobre interés', el interés compuesto se refiere al concepto de invertir su dinero y reinvertir el interés ganado en ese dinero. La combinación de inversiones regulares y constantes durante un largo período de tiempo con el poder del interés compuesto puede ser increíblemente eficaz para aumentar su riqueza de manera sostenible (y rápida).

Ejemplos de inversiones donde el interés puede ser compuesto incluyen:

What Actually Is Compound Interest

Comience a construir su futuro financiero hoy.

Si desea aumentar su riqueza, es esencial comprender el interés compuesto. Se dice que Albert Einstein describió el interés compuesto como la octava maravilla del mundo. El concepto implica obtener un rendimiento no solo de sus ahorros originales, sino también del interés acumulado que ha realizado sobre la inversión pasada de sus ahorros.

Lograr la independencia financiera a través de educación de primera clase

For support in understanding how to develop and use a compound interest growth strategy to increase your wealth, book a bespoke investment strategy session with our investing consultants.

Preguntas frecuentes sobre capitalización

Estas son algunas de las preguntas más frecuentes sobre nuestra calculadora compuesta y cómo funciona.

If you have run some figures through our Compounding Calculator, you will no doubt wonder if what you are seeing is true. Well, you better believe it because our calculator doesn’t lie! What you see with your eyes is the magic of compounding right there in front of you. In other words, the more you can invest, the better your investments will compound! But what should you begin with? Well, our financial data analysts reckon that £2,000 is a good sum to begin with, adding £100 minimum a month. That gets your investment off to a great start. You can then build on that over time. That, of course, is the key – TIME. Compounding works its magic over time and when you DO NOT touch this account at any time when it is growing. You start this primary investment account, keep adding to it with what you can comfortably afford each month/year – but always leave it alone. So, remember, hands off! This is your golden path to a financially secure future.
In a standard bank account or savings account or investment account, interest is always accrued on a sum of money in that account at the end of the month or year. However, compounding works a little differently because the compounding is always happening, day-to-day, even when you sleep. That all depends on what kind of compounding arrangement you have with your account provider and the interest rate they have given you. It could be daily, monthly, quarterly, half-yearly or yearly. That is the great beauty of compound interest – it’s the money your money is making, working for you, non-stop. Try our online Compounding Calculator above and punch in a few different scenarios to see just how effective compounding can be on your money. Imagine how much your investment could be worth over time. In fact, don’t just imagine it – see for yourself! After all, seeing is believing.
That’s easy – YOU! Your family. Anyone who wants to make more money, build up wealth for the future. For retirement. For special occasions. For once in a lifetime vacations, in fact anything that requires a major investment. Basically, compound interest accelerates the growth of any and all of your assets. It allows you to grow a sum of money (or more than one sum) faster than you can with simple interest. That’s because you will be earning returns not just on the money you invest but the returns at the end of each compounding period. This means you won’t need to save anywhere near as much money to achieve your objectives. Remember, saving money is no the goal here at Investment Mastery. Showing you how to GROW & MULTIPLY it, is. Compounding your investments will do this. And is the only really effective way to do so. There is nothing else like it in the world.

It’s useful to get your head around the term “effective annual interest rate” because it’s the actual annual rate of interest earned on your investment. It takes into account the effect of compounding interest and any fees or charges associated with it. It therefore represents the true annual earnings rate of your investment after factoring in compounding interest and fees. This makes it different from the nominal rate which doesn’t account for these factors. For investments with interest compounded more than once per year, the effective rate will be higher than the stated rate. For example, a 12% nominal rate with monthly compounding has an effective annual rate of 12.68%. The effective rate is a more accurate measure of the true return than the nominal rate. It’s also a powerful indicator of just how miraculous compounding is and why EVERYONE should be making the most of it with their investments  

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