
Verzichtserklärung und Haftungsausschluss

  • Trading stocks, cryptos, options, spreadbetting or CFDs has large potential rewards, but also large potential risk.  Stock market and Crypto market trading is not appropriate for all investors. Past performance and any examples or testimonials cited is no indication or guarantee of anticipated future results.  Individual results will vary and cannot be guaranteed.
  • The information presented at this session and in material provided is for educational purposes.  Any examples used are for educational and illustrative purposes only. No representative/s from Investment Mastery Trading Ltd are stockbrokers, broker dealers, or investment advisors.  They are not recommending particular stocks, cryptos, bonds, options, or securities of any kind.
  • The names of any firms of Stockbroker, Stock Exchange, Crypto Exchange, Financial Institutions, Financial planners, bookmakers, or financial websites mentioned are for illustrative purposes only. The decision on which company to use if any is at the total discretion of each individual person.
  • It is recommended that you seek a professional licensed broker prior to implementing any investment program or financial plan.   Investment Mastery representative/s do not guarantee any results or investment returns based on the information you receive.
  • Investment Mastery Trading Ltd and/or our authorised crew members may take photographs and/or do video recording of events, we will also ask for testimonials from you. By accepting below you authorise us to use these for marketing purposes.
  • All products and other materials relating to the meeting for which you are enrolling whether presented during, before or after the meeting are subject to copyright, and other intellectual Property Rights. The copyright in all such products and materials remain the property of their owners and may not be recorded, used or reproduced without the written permission of the copyright owner.
  • I confirm that I am learning this material for my own use. I will not use this knowledge to share, teach, train, coach or mentor other people (apart from close family members). I understand that this information belongs to Investment Mastery and without consent in writing by Investment mastery I agree to pay Investment Mastery £100,000 compensation if I either share, teach, train, coach or mentor other people (apart from close family members).
  • I confirm I have read and understood the above and am aware of the risks stock market trading and am willing to accept them before investing in stocks, cryptos, options, spreadbetting or CFDs.

© Investment Mastery Trading Limited.  Alle Rechte vorbehalten. Das Kinetische Zentrum | Theobaldstraße | Elstree  WD6 4PJ
Eingetragen in England und Wales. Handelsregisternummer: 8928618

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